Monday, May 7, 2018

Indie Book of the Month: May 2018

Looking for Dei by David A. Willson

We've got your typical fantasy story: Orphaned girl growing up in a remote place where no one will ever think to look for her discovers, as a teenager, that she possesses magic the likes of which the world has not seen in hundreds of years. If that particular fantasy trope is not for you, then you probably won't connect with this book, but The Chosen One happens to be my favorite trope, so I was pulled in right away. 

Looking for Dei captured my attention simply by being a chosen one story, but it kept me reading with its enjoyable style, likeable characters, and attention to detail. The historical detail, in particular, held my interest. The fact that it was a fictional history of a fictional world just made it that much more enthralling. 

I mentioned likeable characters. Of course, not all of them are likeable. Every fantasy has to have a villain, right? And villains aren't likeable. Nevertheless, the villain in this story is amazingly well-drawn. I found myself hating him and empathizing with him at the same time because the author goes deep enough into his psyche to give the reader some understanding of why he is the way he is. In fact, you get the impression that all the characters in Looking for Dei are simply, as the title suggests, looking for something. Maybe not Dei (a deity), in the case of the villains, but, at the very least, a reason for living. Or, to get a little more philosophical, the meaning of life. Some people search for that meaning through doing good. Helping others. Trying to make the world a better place. Others try to find a purpose for their lives by making themselves more powerful in an attempt to gain glory. And those who are only out for their own glory turn evil, like Vorick and Kayna. Some, like Gwyn, get a little lost, only to find their way in the end. This book gives us a glimpse of some absolutely beautiful character arcs.

I highly recommend this book. Grab a copy on Amazon.


  1. Great review! I like your philosophical twist. I definitely agree about villains, and I cannot wait to see what happens to Gywn in the coming books. You can see my review of this book at

    1. Thank you! Sorry for not replying right away. I was on a camping trip and had limited access to internet. I appreciate your thoughts, and will take a peek at your review now. :)
